Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Portraits of the week

This were some portraits I took this week.

more cellphotography

So going with the last 3 post i thought i might as well post some more interesting pictures taken with my phone. There is an incredible amount of possibilities!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

self portraits

Its often weird for some people to know I take so many pictures. I take pictures everyday, of a lot of things.  In order to create and to always practice, I make self-portraits. Sometimes there is an idea or an interesting lighting, and there is no one else but yourself, so I just take a picture. sometimes its to remember a moment, sometimes is to express an emotion. With todays technology, most cellphones are equipped with pretty decent cameras and I happen to love mine. here are some of the portrait fro the last 2 weeks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


For the longest time I had this on going project. I take pictures of my shoes every single day, well almost. Here are some of the ones I shot. I like to think of this as self-portraits.

the little show

We are having a show Next Wednesday. It will be in the Fine Arts Building, inside the big elevator. Join us for some fun and some small appetizers. This are the photos that I'm gonna have in the show. The show is theme People and it had to be shot with a cellphone camera and through some sort of filtering program. I shot all my pictures in Hipstamatic. everyone should come for the opening!